
Start a Pre-threaded Needles Business



Pre-threaded Needles Mini Support Plan

Get ready to hustle in a niche that’s about to explode! Our mini business plan is your hustle handbook for selling pre-threaded needles to hairstylists and wigmakers. It’s time to simplify their craft and amp up your income – get ready to reveal this untapped market and start your journey to success.


20 Beauty Business Side Hustles ~Instant Download~

Time is Money

Pre-threaded needles reduce setup time for hairstylists and wigmakers, keeping them focused on the hustle.

Consistency Counts

Ensure each needle is correctly threaded, sanitized, and customized for consistent results.


Ready-to-use needles free up setup time for the busy hairstylist.

Efficiency First

Spend more time hustling and less time prepping.

Client Satisfaction

Deliver exceptional quality and product consistency.

Brand Trust

Gain a reputation for reliability and convenience.


Take the “Whats Your Hustle?” Quiz



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